By the Daily Post staff
A Redwood City police officer shot and killed a man outside of the Wells Fargo Bank at 1900 Broadway this afternoon (Dec. 30), Channel 7 reports.
Police are saying little about the shooting except that there are no outstanding suspects and no threat to the community.”
Channel 7 reported that the incident began when a woman pulled up to use the bank’s ATM and saw a man with a gun pacing the area. She called 911 and officers responding to her call recognized the man as someone they had encountered in the past.
The man fired his gun at the officers, who were not hit, police said. Then an officer shot and killed the man. Bystanders told Channel 7 that they saw the body outside the bank.
Witness Ignacio Jimenez told Channel 7, “The gentleman wasn’t complying with the officers’ demands, so it seems to me he pulled something out of his sweater, at which point the officers started firing their weapons and wounding the gentlemen. He fell to the ground.”
It wasn’t immediately known if the officers who responded to the call were wearing cameras. In November 2016, Redwood City Council approved a plan to equip all of the city’s 96 sworn police officers with body-worn cameras by Dec. 29, 2017 — one day before today’s shooting.
The shooting also comes 19 days after the retirement of Police Chief J.R. Gamez. Deputy Chief Gary Kirby is serving as interim police chief while a search for Gamez’s replacement takes place.